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歌舞伎を観に行こう       Let's go see Kabuki!

2023年 6月4日 歌舞伎鑑賞(終了)案内


Tokyo University of Foreign Studiesー

International Student Support Association







Dear International students,

  We will hold a Kabuki viewing event again this year.

  Kabuki is a typical and traditional performing art in Japan and is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Even if you don't understand Japanese well, you can enjoy just watching and listening to colorful costumes and makeup, unique performances and music. There is also a short lecture for beginners by the cast actors. After the viewing, enjoy drinks and sweets while discussing your impressions and questions with other participants.

Most of the cost of this rich program is subsidized by ISSA, so you can participate for only 1,000 yen. Japanese students can also participate.

Let's take this opportunity to enjoy traditional Japanese culture together!

Apply now!

1.  日 時    6月4日(日) 13:45 ~18:00

2.  場所    国立劇場 (東京都千代田区隼町)



3.  参加費   1,000円 

4.  募集人数  50人(留学生、日本人学生合わせて)

5.  6月4日のプログラム

  13:45 国立劇場大劇場入り口前に集合 (交通費は各自負担)

  14:30 開演


   2)歌舞伎『日本振袖始 八岐大蛇と素戔嗚尊』

  16:30 茶話会 (コーヒーなど無料。自由参加)

  18:00 現地で解散

6.   参加方法









       連絡室: 国際交流会館2号館1F  TEL 042-330-5803


7.    注意






1. Date and Time: Sunday, June 4th 13:45~18:00

2 Location: National-Theatre (Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

 (1 hour or more from Tama Station. 8 minutes walk from Hanzomon Subway Station or

 Nagatacho Station)

3 Participation Fee        1,000yen/Person

4   Number of Participants: 50 (International & Japanese students)

5 Program

13:45: Meet in front of the entrance to the National Theater of Japan

                  (Transportation costs are to be borne by each person)

14:30: Start

1) Explanation of "Kabuki no Mikata" by the performers

2) Kabuki "Nihon Furisode Hajime (Yamatanoorochi to Susanoonomikoto)"

16:30: Tea party (free of charge such as coffee. Free participation)

18:00: Disbanded locally

6.How to participate

(1)Applicants fill out the "Application Form" and send it to us.


The number of applications  has exceeded the upper limit.

Therefore, we are no longer accepting applications。

             Deadline: April 28th      

(2)Participants will be notified by email.

(3)Students who receive the notification of acceptance pay the participation fee of 1,000 yen at the ISSA Contact Room. You will receive your admission ticket.

Payment period: May 18 (Thu), 19 (Fri), 22 (Mon), 23 (Tue) 12:00~15:00

Location of the ISSA Contact Room: International Residence Hall No. 2, 1st floor. TEL 042-330-5803

(4)  Please come to the National Theatre with your ticket before the meeting time on June 4th.

7 Attention

*Recruitment will end as soon as the number of applicants is reached.

*Participation fee cannot be refunded after the ticket is handed over. Please consider that if you cancel, the subsidy of ISSA will also be wasted.

*If you are unable to participate due to circumstances, please be sure to contact us.

*We will take a group photo after watching Kabuki. Please note that it will be published in our newsletter.

Contact for inquiries regarding this matter:




 Synopsis of "Nihon Furisode Hajime"

  The drama is set in the upper reaches of the Hinokawa River that runs through the province of lzumo (now Shimane Prefecture). Deep in the mountains where it is dark even in the daytime settled in Yamata no Orochi (a gigantic eight-headed serpent).

For fear of the horrible curse of the monster serpent befalling them, villagers offered a beautiful woman as a sacrifice every year. Now, Princess lnada is sunken in grief at the upper reaches of the river, waiting to be offered as the latest scapegoat. Then comes Princess Iwanaga who hates beautiful women. In fact, she is an incarnation of Yamata no Orochi. Attempting to attack Princess lnada, Princess lwanaga suddenly notices the smell of sake (liquor). She empties eight sake jugs one after another. and eventually swallows Princess lnada.

Then, Princess lnada's sweetheart Susanou no Mikoto rushes to save the princess and get back the totsuka no hoken (a sacred sword) that was once storen by Yamata no Orochi. What Princess lwanaga actually consumed was poisoned sake that had been prepared by Susanoo no Mikoto. Drunk on sake, Princess lwanaga shows her true nature as that of the monster serpent and fights a fierce battle against Susanoo no Mikoto.





終了 資料 2023年度会員総会(オンライン開催)のご案内 ​ 2023年2月17日 留学生支援の会会員各位 東京外国語大学留学生支援の会 会長 谷 和明 春寒の候、会員の皆様方にはますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。...


終了 資料 開催日時:2023年9月29日(金)、30日(土) (30日は日本人学生も歓迎) 12:00~16:00      会  場:国際交流会館2号館交流ホール ​ 後期に入学する200名近い留学生たちを主な対象とするバザーを開催します。その成功のため、会員の皆さまの...


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