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​      2023年3月












4月6~7日: 生活用品バザー
5月: 大学近隣散策(未定)
6月4日: 歌舞伎を楽しむ会

支援の会連絡室 (ボランティアスタッフが情報提供や相談に応じます)
  場所 東京外国語大学国際交流会館2号館 1階
         毎週火曜日、木曜日、金曜日 11:40~15:40オープン
TEL:  042-330-5803(直通)      E-mail: contact



Invitation to the Programs of
national Student Support Association

March 2023

International Student Support Association (ISSA) of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) 1999 offers various support programs for the students and researchers from overseas, as well as for their families. Approximately 900 members and volunteer staff, including TUFS faculty members, students, parents, alumni, and neighbors, work together to carry out the following programs and events for you:

A. To extend support to those in need of help:
  Benefits and loans for students in need

  Bazaars of daily necessities at low prices;
  Subsidies for travel expenses to participate in conference presentations
  Consultation on daily life

B. To help deepen understanding of Japan and Japanese culture:
    Visit historical cities such as Kamakura and Kawagoe, etc.
    Appreciation of traditional arts such as Kabuki and experience of Japanese cuisine
  Japanese culture classes as IKEBANA, SADO, IGO, KIMONO, NIHONGO Plaza etc. 
    Plant visit to study the advanced and traditional technology in Japan.

C. To promote mutual exchange:
  Promoting exchanges between Japanese and international students
  Promotion of homestays and home visits
  Promoting exchanges with citizens and elementary and junior high schools in the local community

Due to the spread of COVID-19, almost no program for understanding Japan or mutual exchange could be implemented since 2020. Instead, in order to support students who are in need due to a decrease in remittances from parents and their part-time jobs, we have worked to provide our own emergency benefits and donate to provide food. From last year, in response to the convergence of infections and the increase in the number of students visiting Japan, we are resuming projects to promote mutual understanding and exchange.

 We are planning the following projects from spring to early summer. (Please see our Website for details)

Early April: Welcome questionnaire for new international students
April 6-7: Bazaar of daily necessities 
May: Half-day walk around the university (undecided)
June 4th: Event to enjoy Kabuki

For further information and inquiries, please contact:

  ISSA Contact Room on the 1st floor of International Residence No.2 
       Opened every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 11:40 to 15:40
TEL:042-330-5803(on a direct line)

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